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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: January 28, 2015.

Do these warm winter days have you longing for springtime, barbeques, and baseball? If so, a new DVD release from PureFlix might be just the cure for your spring fever.

One Hit from Home tells the story about pro-baseball superstar Jimmy Easton (Dave Stone) who suffers a career-ending knee injury and returns to a place he has not been in a very long time…home. Jimmy confronts dark memories from a tragic past as he tries to make peace with a life he once left behind.

Things take an unexpected turn when he is forced back into the world of baseball as the coach of an underachieving college team. Coach Jimmy’s rocky relationship with Brandon Elliot (Johnny Meier), the team’s most talented player, challenges both of them to deal with their similarly troubled pasts.

The movie hits on several themes including fatherhood, identity and forgiveness, and is family-friendly for those aged 12 and older. One Hit from Home is not your typical baseball movie in that is deals with what happens away from the field as much as what takes place on the ball diamond, although there is certainly plenty of baseball action.

Many films want to move us toward “. . . and they all lived happily ever after,” and it is refreshing to see a film that helps us to understand and deal with the unpredictability of the valleys that life tosses our way. There is solid acting from all the leads, and the cinematography is excellent. The photography during Jimmy’s dark moments at home, in his hotel room, and along the highway of Arizona is well done and creates the mood perfectly and beautifully.

So when you find yourself under the clutches of spring fever, grab a copy of One Hit From Home and enjoy some baseball (and a good story) from the comfort of your easy chair – with the windows open, of course.


For more details on One Hit from Home, check out Christian Film Database.

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