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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: March 3, 2015.

Every age has its evils; every age has its Abolitionists.

Abolitionist Societies worldwide have come together to form an International Coalition of Abolitionist Societies to effect the Abolition of Human Abortion. They will be calling the United States of America to repent of the national sin of child sacrifice and the apathy that allows it to continue on March 5, 2015.

View the presentation and participate in the Q&A that follows it online at the Ustream Channel for the event.

Abolitionists are not a part of the traditional pro-life movement or establishment.

This declaration is an announcement of their principles, ideals, and demands regarding the immediate and total abolition of legalized child-killing in the U.S.

43 years of regulating the practice of child sacrifice is enough.  57 million children have been butchered, crushed, ripped apart, poisoned, burned, frozen, experimented on and discarded as trash in the United States alone. All previous and current attempts to incrementally legislate and gradually abolish these abominable practices have utterly failed to establish justice and show mercy for the innocent pre-born human beings living in America.


Four years ago the Abolitionist Movement was reignited by evangelical Christians who were convicted of their apathy and neglect of pure and undefiled religion (James 1:27). As fruit of their repentance they determined to no longer treat abortion as though it were simply a political issue, somebody else’s “special calling,” or just another abstract social or theological idea to be debated, but to take action. Abortion is a “love your neighbor” issue and the people of God are obligated to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ into conflict with it.

Abortion is child sacrifice and it is our national sin. It must and shall be abolished.

The “Declaration of Sentiments regarding Abortion and its Abolition in the United States” will be presented on March 5, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. CST. To watch the presentation live and participate in the Q&A that follows, tune in here.


For further information please visit the We Will Be Heard! event page on Facebook

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