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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: December 17, 2014.

Sometimes we moms are so busy rescuing our sons from trials we get in the way of how God is working to build their faith. Doesn’t it just break your heart when your son finds himself in the middle of a trial?

What advice do you give your son? You know you should use Scripture to teach him about life, but HOW do you do that? I’m so glad you asked! Here is one way you can help your son prepare himself for trials from the story of David’s life…

David was told he was too young. When King Saul saw how young David was, he immediately discounted David’s ability to fight the giant. After all, Goliath had many years of experience as a warrior. When your son’s abilities are questioned because he is young, remind him that if he is serving the Lord, he should “let no one despise [his] youth” (1 Timothy 4:12).

David did not become discouraged by Saul’s lack of faith in his abilities, because David’s faith rested in God. David recounted to Saul how, as a young shepherd boy, the Lord had given him the ability to kill a lion and a bear with his bare hands so he could protect his father’s sheep.

To help your son not grow disheartened when he faces trials, remind him of how God allowed the lion and bear attacks so David could grow in his faith. As your son recalls how God worked to make David a courageous warrior for the Lord, he will learn to recognize God’s hand in the midst of his own struggles and find the strength to trust the Lord.

Are there lions and bears in your son’s life? Can you learn to trust the Lord’s sovereignty with regard to what He allows your son to endure? Sometimes we moms are so busy rescuing our sons from trials that we get in the way of how God is working to build their faith.*

In the future, God may ask your son to fight a giant.” Will you commit to teaching your son from God’s word how to prepare himself for the battle before he faces a giant? Teaching your son from God’s Word how to prepare for battle is a skill he will be able to apply to the rest of his life because it will develop in your son a biblical-world-view, giving him God’s perspective on the issues of life.



Read more encouragement by Rhonda Stoppe in What Does It Take To Live An Over-The-Top Life

For more from Rhonda Stoppe visit NO REGRETS WOMAN



*Excerpt Moms Raising Sons to Be Men, Harvest House (pg 190)

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