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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: July 12, 2017.

Did you know you could be using technology for ministry?

Can you believe how quickly our technology gets labeled obsolete? I just replaced the Blackberry I got in 2010 with a new one last week. To me, a three-year hold was no big deal, but everyone else thought I was crazy not to want a touch screen. I’ve never been one to do something just because everyone thinks I should.

But I’m learning that’s the way it goes in the world of technology.

Actually, technology is a big focus for the women I meet. I see women learning how to adapt new platforms and devices into their work and personal lives.

It’s just been a bit more difficult for some than for others. And sometimes those of us more “seasoned” executives feel pressured to adopt the latest tech trends out of fear that our junior staff won’t respect us if we reveal a knowledge gap. While I think that we should feel confident in the gifts God has given us, I also don’t think we should let pride or fear keep us from asking for help from the women a generation behind us.

After I got my new Blackberry my media manager blessed me by coming to my home Tuesday night to teach me how to use Google Docs, post LinkedIn updates, and post photos on Twitter and Facebook.

I am actually having fun integrating Twitter and Facebook into my ministry. There is no other way that I can instantly share the encouraging messages I hear at events that feature inspiring brothers and sisters in Christ.

It’s important for “seasoned” women to understand technology and how it affects their business. However, if you are in a leadership position, you’ve been placed in that role because of your strategic abilities to provide vision and foster relationships that move an organization forward.

If I fall behind in understanding technology trends, I’m not leading the organization. But that doesn’t mean that I need to know how to use every new technology tool that’s available. In fact, while it’s important that I understand and respond to my team’s needs technologically, it is even more important that I focus on using my gifts to drive our vision, foster relationships and build our leadership team. I focus on using the gifts God has given me, while giving my media manager the freedom to use the gifts God has given her to equip the team around her.

This is an important issue for women on both ends of the career ladder to recognize and work on together. We’ve been talking about the deep need for “reverse mentoring” to support professional women anxious about re-entering the workforce, or who want to grow their skills and understanding of technology trends to progress in their career path. Connecting women on both ends of the experience spectrum sharpens performance at every level of an organization, the way we’re called to in the body of Christ.

How do you stay abreast of new technology trends affecting your industry? Do you read magazines or blogs on the topic? Do you have regular meetings with your CIO? Leave a comment, and share your tips with us.




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