For more than a year, the BGEA has been praying for the Church in America to come together and intentionally reach out to those who are far from God.
On November 7, the Rev. Billy Graham’s 95th birthday, the organization’s prayers and efforts will culminate as thousands of Christians open their homes to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through My Hope America with Billy Graham.

Billy Graham has preached the Gospel to more people in live audiences than anyone else in history; Photo Courtesy of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
To date, more than 25,000 congregations have registered to participate in My Hope America. Moreover, the 30-minute presentation that will be broadcast through their churches and homes will also be shown on Fox News, cable and network TV, online, and on DVD.
In the much-anticipated presentation, Rev. Graham speaks directly and clearly about God’s love for us and our need for redemption.
“It’s a tremendously powerful program that has his message interwoven with captivating testimonies of lives changed by the living Christ,” says BGEA President Franklin Graham.

Evangelist Billy Graham took Christ literally when He said in Mark 16:15, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature"; Photo Courtesy of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
With the culmination of My Hope America only days away, BGEA is stressing the importance of prayer. More specifically, the ministry is highlighting four daily prayers:
- For HEARTS – That God will prepare hearts to be receptive to the Gospel.
- For the “MATTHEWS” – That the “Matthews” (believers who register with My Hope) will experience freedom and boldness to share their faith story and how Jesus Christ died for our sins.
- For LOCATIONS – That homes, churches, or locations where the “Matthews” will be sharing through My Hope America will be filled with the Holy Spirit.
- For RESULTS – That people who need direction, hope, and a future will clearly see the only answer is in the person of Jesus Christ and will commit to a lifelong relationship with Him.
“The most important part of ‘My Hope America’ is prayer,” says Franklin Graham. “This is the key.”
For more details on “My Hope America with Billy Graham,” visit
These videos are so powerful! Defining Moments was shown at my church last month leading me and one other person to accept Jesus as Lord and savior. This past weekend gain to lose was shown and again 3 people accepted Christ. Others who have already made this decision are being encouraged and reminded of their own defining moments!
[…] Read more about him in ‘My Hope America with Billy Graham’ Culminates November 7-10 […]
Mr. Graham’s message usually is focused and powerful. But during this program, I had difficulty concentrating on the content because of the multiple and simultaneous story lines. It was partly a visit to the Billy Graham Museum, partly memories of people he’s met, a story about a former gang member, another story about a pregnant woman considering suicide, and frequent cuts to scenes of a mysterious person constructing something from two different types of wood. This multi-faceted approach was like a shotgun, which covers a wide area without a lot of impact. What will change America is a rifle, which goes directly to the target; i.e., America has turned away from God.
Perhaps my problem was not knowing what to expect. I turned off the program after about 12 minutes, but I hope the younger generation (which thrives on multi-tasking) stayed tuned. God can work through ANY method, and I shall remain a strong prayer and financial supporter of the BGEA.