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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: February 15, 2017.

“How do you get over someone you love when they do not feel the same way?”

This question proves one of the most challenging. Being in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way is not a problem you fix, but one you must work through. The first step in the right direction to finding a healthy relationship is to recognize rejection is your private conductor leading you to healthy, successful relationships.

One thing I have learned is people do not have the same capacity for love. What do I mean? Perhaps the best way to explain is to distinguish the difference in ability and capacity.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word ‘ability’ means natural aptitude; the state of being able; the physical, mental, or legal power to perform. It also defines the word ‘capacity’ as the potential or suitability for holding, storing, or accommodating.

The God-given ability to love is limitless. The capacity to give and receive love is a condition of our relationship with God, past experiences and relationships.

But human love has its limitations. If we could calculate the ability to love in terms of measurement, some people could fill a milk jug with love, others a swimming pool, and still others could fill an ocean. Why is this true? Because not everyone exercises their God-given ability to love or be loved. This principle is important for you to understand. If you are in a dating relationship with someone who is incapable or unwilling to return love, it is to your benefit to release them. Release them into their future so you can walk into yours.

There is someone, I speculate to say, more than one, who will be head-over-heels in love with you. The key is refusing to settle for less than God’s best for your life. Chances are those who are incapable of discerning your personal worth today stand little chance of discerning it tomorrow. Wait for the one who will recognize and celebrate your individuality. Remember, it is not about getting over a person or convincing them to love you; it is about discerning the right person God has designed for you.


Discover more of Dr. Mitchell’s godly relationship advice.  Read  The Affirmation Junkie


To learn more about the author please visit Tracey Mitchell




191 Responses

  1. Jack Watts

    When your capacity to love is greater than the other person’s, you are as unequally yoked as being married to a non-believer. Relationships like this may last, but they are never fulfilling. If an A person marries a C person, what will their marriage equal? If you said it would be a B, like averaging grades in school, you would be wrong. It would be a C. You end up existing at the lowest common denominator.



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