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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: December 15, 2015.

How to Lost Your Soul:



Spirit is more real than what’s real.

By and large we discount Spirit…regarding it as some thin, wispy, airy realm with which we have little to do…not really. We don’t ache for Spirit…we ache for the Outer World. We are suspicious of the so-called “inward graces,” preferring instead touchable things in which to place our attention and trust. And over the ages of human history, this has only one outcome—death.

But Spirit is more real than what’s real.

There’s a lot of ways to die. Death isn’t choosy. It will kill your contentment…your peace…love for your spouse…your Inner Life…trust…hope…empathy…even your smile. And Death has a clever way to achieve this—by steering you to see life solely with your eyes…so that Exteriors are your meditation day and night…the Outer World…the sum of your hopes and self-value.

Yet the Spirit is more real than what’s real.

Invisible is valuable. Your Spirit is your unseen personal power…bodiless volition…it is your Heart where decision is made…where your choice is determined…where the Will over time forges your character…and is your Holy of Holies…unseen behind the veil….If the Self is the Temple…then the Glorious and Ever-Competent One sits there between the cherubs…at the core of your being…at your Heart of the Covenant.

Because Spirit is more real than what’s real.

We should be as the birds. “Yes, the sparrow has found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young—even Your altars” (Pslam 84:3). Downward and in…that’s all the distance we need traverse. We musn’t be nestless…but need to nestle into His Presence. Inside is our Inward Temple…that’s where the real miracles happen…where the train of His robe fills the Soul with glory. Do you not know that it is much harder to move hearts than hills?

For Spirit is more real than what’s real.

Spiritual does not mean ethereal or phantasmal. It doesn’t mean insubstantial. God is Spirit…and God is neither ethereal nor insubstantial. The Magnificent Unchanging Love sits on an actual throne…gilt round about in a genuine prismatic bow of emerald Delight. He is more Real than real. That means the invisible life inside us is of the uttermost reality…. Even gravity and gossip—two unseen powers—are strong enough to ravage worlds….So invisibility is no measure of potency.

Like how Spirit is more real than what’s real.

My Soul endures daily drought if I do not “rehearse” His Presence inside me. Rehearse means “to harrow again.” And like a garden harrow used to break up hardened ground, this is just what our Holy-of-Holies-Heart requires…to soften repeatedly the soil of our stone-strewn depths…so that He Who Reigns Within can grow more and more into our awareness. If only we could pry our eyes and grip from the Outer World alone!

He’s more Real than real.

He-of-the-Big-Brown-Eyes lives and breathes inside you….You must rehearse this. Swallow the realer-than-real…and like the swallow—build your nest there…in your Temple…where He dwells in Delight….Descend your Deeps as He draws. He is closer than the words in your mouth.

Don’t live without the within.

“For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you].”

Luke 17:21

Did you miss Robin’s previous post? Read How to Lose Your Soul – Part III


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