five mistakes to avoid as a long-distance parent

5 Mistakes to Avoid as a Long-Distance Parent

Navigating a long-distance relationship can be tough, especially with your child. SCH Contributor Elizabeth Oates offers a few tips on how to make the best out of a difficult situation.
Can you leave your child home alone

Can You Leave Your Child Home Alone?

Are you a single parent juggling work and family? SCH Contributor Elizabeth Oates shares the factors to consider before you leave your child home alone.
mom-watches-tv-with-kids-Sonoma Christian Home

How To Find Common Ground With Your Stepchildren

Raising 2 different sets of children from 2 different backgrounds can be challenging. SCH Contributor Elizabeth Oates shares insight on how finding common ground is crucial for the blending process.

Keys to Building a Blended Family

Raising two sets of children with two different backgrounds and experiences can be tough. SCH Contributor Elizabeth Oates shares insight on the reasons why unity is necessary in the blending process of a family.