breakfast of fighters. drinking coffee and reading the Bible at sunrise in the mountains

Breakfast of Fighters

Are you prepared for the spiritual battles you will face today? Are you taking in the breakfast of fighters? SCH Contributor, Pastor Kenny Luck reveals the need to establish a correct vision for the day that includes feeding our mind and spirit with spiritual nutrition.

Blind Spots: Deal With Them or Die

Troubling times are inevitable for everyone. And sometimes, trouble comes out of nowhere exposing our blind spots. SCH Contributor & Pastor Kenny Luck shares five ways to avoid a life crash.

Olympics Special: What Race Are You Running?

In the 'final ceremony' of your life, will you be celebrating with Jesus or feeling regret? SCH Contributor Kenny Luck compares an athlete's commitment with the Christian's walk of faith.

10 Ways to Turn Special Occasions Into Cherished Memories

God wants us to celebrate and enjoy the blessings He’s giving us, but in a way that honors Him and each other with self-control. SCH Contributor Kenny Luck reminds us that all good things come from God - including good foods, good friends, good progress and good character.