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Sing To Him A New Song

"He could have no greater love for us, no deeper commitment, and no stronger tie." SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us that "our relationship with God overshadows all others." It is worthy of our atoning love and unrelenting praise.
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So Did You Lead

SCH Contributor, Amy Layne Litzelman assures us; "The one thing that we can always encourage each other with is the steady, unfailing, unchanging character of God.

Francis Chan – Desiring God Conference

Francis Chan founding pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California, and is the founder of Eternity Bible College speaks at the Desiring God 2010 National Conference - Think Hard, Stay Humble: The Life of the Mind and the Peril of Pride ...

How He Loves Us – David Crowder Band

David Crowder Band recorded How He Loves for their ninth studio album, Church Music. It was released as the album's lead single in 2009. "How He Loves" by David Crowder band was also by the compilation album...

No Sarcasm – Not Today

SCH Contributor Carol Barnier, emphasizes the importance of taming of our tongue and reevaluating our perspective, when it comes to interactions and conversations with one of God's most cherished gifts, our children.