Baby Sleeping peacefully White Hat and Blanket

Little Bundle of Love

What could be sweeter than a newborn baby? God's gift of love, from the love of two people in love!

A Garden Beyond Compare

SCH Contributor and Sonoma Photographer Donna Jones takes us on a walk through her summer garden. A living, changing place full of fun and color!

Succulent Garden Extravaganza

SCH Contributor and Sonoma Photographer, Donna Jones shares gardening tips for enjoying and extending your succulent garden along with her gorgeous photos.

A Quiet Place for Reflection

If you need to work through a problem or just get away to do some serious thinking, this is the best place in the world to reflect. Throughout history writers have often been inspired by such a place as this.

Inspiration for a Colorful Summer Garden

Looking for inspiration to create your summer garden? SCH Contributor Donna Jones shares gorgeous colorful flowers and gardening tips from the secret hidden gardens of Santa Rosa.

An Easter Celebration in Photography

Northern California photographer, and SCH contributor Donna Jones creates a majestic story of Easter through her artistic blending of gardening photography and Holy Scripture.