Persecuted – Movie Review

A faithful evangelist finds himself framed for murder after refusing to back a senator's proposition for religious reform. SCH Contributor Bethany Jett shares her insight into this new Christian film.

Cults: Killing Time by Francine Rivers

How did the truth become apparent to you? SCH Contributor and New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers reminds us that while misleading prophets abound, only Jesus saves.

Stop the Flow of Money

Do your kids think of you as their personal ATM machine? SCH Contributor Allison Bottke teaches how to set healthy money boundaries with your adult children - no matter how broken your heart may be.

When Waiting Is Hard

Do you grow impatient while waiting for God to answer your prayers? SCH contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee shows us that God's timing is always better than our own.

Victory Over Sin

Only God can heal sin’s devastation. If you will ask Him, He will free you from the bondage of your sin, reestablish your relationship with Him, and restore you to wholeness. Henry Blackaby Daily Devotional.