Stop the Flow of Money

Do your kids think of you as their personal ATM machine? SCH Contributor Allison Bottke teaches how to set healthy money boundaries with your adult children - no matter how broken your heart may be.

Setting Boundaries – The 6 Steps to Sanity

Do behavior issues with your teen or adult child ever make you feel like you are losing your mind? SCH Contributor Allsion Bottke teaches how to stop focusing on our children’s behavior & start changing OUR own attitudes.

When Helping Hurts

Do you know the difference between helping & enabling? SCH Contributor Allison Bottke explains the ways to create healthy boundaries so your child can grow into a productive & responsible adult.

The Truth about Consequences

SCH Contributor Allison Bottke affirms we must be willing to set healthy and appropriate boundaries, and to accept the consequences of those choices, whatever they may be.