The 33 | Official Trailer
In 2010, the world turned its attention to Chile after a terrible explosion in a 100-year old gold and copper mine. Over a period of 69 days, teams worked day and night to return these men home and to the love ...
Andy Sharp Is a junior at Baylor University. He studies Film & Digital Media and aspires to be a film editor. Andy is currently working on a short film against human trafficking and started a production company, Brave Raven Films, to help fight the issue. Andy likes to rock climb, make movies, and hang out with his brothers of BYX. Brothers Under Christ (BYX) is a Christian fraternity that Andy is proud to be a part of. Andy is an active Christian and his favorite saying is, "I love my life!"
At this time, we ask you refrain from purchasing on the Sonoma Christian Home store. We are in the process of performing updates and in the meantime we would ask you hold off on new orders. We will make an announcement once our store is back in action! Dismiss