Henry Blackaby Daily Devotion – Tested Yet Secure

Jesus is fully aware of every temptation and test you will encounter, and He stands ready to deliver you. Temptation might catch you by surprise, but Jesus is already interceding with the Father on your behalf.

Henry Blackaby Daily Devotion – Opposition

Whenever God clearly speaks to you and you obey His will, you can expect to face opposition. Spiritual attacks are not always signs that you are out of the will of God; they may even indicate that you are in the very center of God's will.
group of people worshiping at night - overcome challenges

Praise Before Victory

If you have trouble praising God as you serve Him, it may be that your focus is not on God, but on your circumstances.


Would the same God who could cause a bush to burn without being consumed also be able to do what was necessary to deliver a multitude? God's answer was, "I AM!"