The memorial to the civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. during the spring season in West Potomac Park. - evangelist alveda king

Evangelist Alveda King: Statement on Unity & Civil Rights

Following in the footsteps of her inspiring uncle, Martin Luther King Jr, Evangelist Alveda King has dedicated her life to the fight for civil rights and Christian values. Now, King, Director of Civil Rights for the Unborn speaks out on unity, civil rights and race relations in the USA.
Indian children asking for food and receiving rice - gospel in asia

Gospel for Asia | Serving Indians in Poverty

Gospel for Asia, a Christian Humanitarian organization, served some of India's most poverty-stricken villages this January, sharing the love of Christ with many who had before heard it!
Children sit on stairs in the refugee camp of Lagadikia, some 40km North of Thessaloniki, during the visit of UN high commissioner for refugees Filippo Grandi - syrian children

New Educational Channel Brings Hope to Syrian Children

Due to wars and terrorism, millions of displaced Middle Eastern children have completely lost out on education. However, SAT-7 ACADEMY, a new educational news channel, will bring 24/7 educational access to Syrian children and others in the Middle East.
Pro-life supporters hold signs in front of the U.S. Supreme Court after the court, in a 5-3 ruling, struck down a Texas abortion access law that had been supported by pro-life groups. - defund planned parenthood

Nationwide Rallies Call to Defund Planned Parenthood

Today, thousands of pro-life supporters will gather from sea to shining sea in support of Congress' decision to defund Planned Parenthood. Here's all you need to know about the pro-life rallies and what they stand for.