Christian Movies in Theaters |Top Faith-Based Films Summer 2019
SCH Editor-at-Large Dr. Diane Howard shares with us ongoing inspirational and family films to see for the second week of June.
Dr. Diane Howard is a national and international dialogue/dialect/voice-over performer and coach for redemptive movies and media. She is also a family and redemptive movie and entertainment journalist. A former Professor of Performance, Media, and Film Studies with a Ph.D. in Performance Studies (College of Communication, UT Austin), she has been involved in all aspects of filmmaking and media production, regionally to internationally. She has served most extensively in the film industry in the following roles: dialogue/dialect/acting coach, actor, voice-over artist, journalist, and consultant. In her university teaching work she has served in the following capacities: professor, producer, director, national/international presenter, writer, and adviser.
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