Experience Intimacy With God During the Feast of Sukkot
The biblical feasts are a special time of communion with our mighty Lord. Author and Speaker, Jeanne Nigro, shares how to experience intimacy with God during the Feast of Sukkot.
Jeanne Nigro is a seasoned author/teacher, speaking at conferences, churches, and professional organizations, and through her television and radio shows, Facets of the Stone. She is the founder of Jeanne Nigro Ministries, empowering people to stand strong in uncertain times through an intimate relationship with God. Jeanne is uniquely gifted in integrating the topics of healing barriers to intimacy, Jewish roots of our faith, and end times theology and making them relevant, practical and life-transforming. Jeanne’s passion is mobilizing her audiences out of fear, frustration and apathy as powerfully communicated in her latest book, “UNSHAKEN: Standing Strong in Uncertain Times.” www.jeannenigro.com
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