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Dance With Me

Michael Hayward presents a reminder to excuse yourself from your other partners in this dance and be alone in an lively, spirited walk with Jesus.
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Finding Hope on the Battlefield

"Those who trust and follow Jesus aren’t lead to a playground, but placed on the battlefield". SCH Contributor, Pastor Michael Hayward conveys a stark reminder that in following Jesus there is sacrifice, there is toil, there is suffering; there is also glory to be witnessed and celebrated.

Holiday Worship – A Whole New Meaning

"Which traditions will you carry on during the holidays?" SCH Contributor, Pastor Michael Hayward, begs the question...."What kind of legacy will you leave?" Do your holiday traditions lean torwards idolatry or true worship of the one whose birth started it all?

The Ten Commandments of Homeschooling – Part 5 of 10

Books, videos, and worksheets do not teach your children; you do. If you can teach your child to read, write, and study or research, the world is open to them. What really counts is the character they will develop while under your care.

The Pain of Aurora and the Hope of Christ

Tragedy shouldn’t make sense, particularly to the Christian mind. The heart’s desire as a follower of Jesus is to die to self in service to God and others. Seek God and bring Him all your doubts, fears, and questions and do not give the devil a foothold.