World and Space Text Book in a stack of books close up

A Galaxy of Textbooks

I want them to feel prepared and confident as they step out on the playground, the board room or the mission field.
Homeschool Lessons completed by a Little Girl - how to choose a homeschool curriculum

Homeschooling Mom

Life as a mom is full of choices, not the least of which is the choice of how we will educate our kids.
Homeschool Lessons completed by a Little Girl - how to choose a homeschool curriculum

Be Willing To Improve

“You don’t have to be perfect to home school…you just must be willing to improve.”

The Ten Commandments of Homeschooling – Part 5 of 10

Books, videos, and worksheets do not teach your children; you do. If you can teach your child to read, write, and study or research, the world is open to them. What really counts is the character they will develop while under your care.