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Erica Galindo
Celebrating Food, Faith and Family
Last edited on: January 17, 2013.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths,
but only such as is good for building up,
as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.


So often I post semi-snarky comments about life with Sizzlers. It’s always tongue-in-cheek. And it’s a good let-off-valve for all the stress that these intense kids can bring into our lives.

But this evening, I’m struck by how much I adore this child. How her unique and quirky ways add so many layers of wonderful to my life. Life would be so much LESS. . .less of everything, if she’d never been in this family. And what’s more, I wouldn’t even have known what I was missing.

I love that when she has those million-and-one thoughts in her head, I’m the one she wants to share them with.

I love that when she opens her mouth, it will seem like she’s sharing something totally unrelated to the last topic, but if you ask her, she can tell you the fourteen connection points that brought her there.

I love the unique perspective that gives rise to some of the strangest and funniest of thoughts anywhere.

I love that she laughs, cries, engages, reads, and acts with such intensity; everything is 110% with her. It’s like the difference between seeing a photo of a painting with its sterile muted rendition of the original, and instead being privileged to stand in front of the real thing with all its vibrant colors, bold brush strokes and many rich hues.

And best of all, I love that she keeps me from ever becoming one of those smug, I-can-look-down-on-others kind of parents because each day she brings me challenges that force me to grow. . .once again. She keeps me humble. And right behind humble, usually follows compassion.

Tonight, as 2013 is just starting, blank and fresh with possibilities,  I find myself not exhausted, not annoyed, not looking for a new solution to a Sizzler produced challenge, but instead, anticipating what delights and surprises the year will most certainly bring. I can’t say that I’ll always be in this amiable sort of mood, but for tonight, I’m incredibly thankful for the layers and layers of blessings brought into my life by my Sizzler. On that note, I’ve got a child to go hug.

PHOTO-Carol and Emma Christmas

Carol Barnier
Delightful Speaker, Entertaining Author, Adequate Wife, Pitiful Housekeeper

For more encouraging articles like this one, check out New Year for Love

Learn more about the author at Carol Barnier

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