March 5th – American Minute – The Greater Plan

On the 4th anniversary of the Boston Massacre, John Hancock stated. "Let us play the man for our God, and for the cities of our God." SCH contributor William Federer explores the legacy of this event, which reminds us that God's plan is greater than any other.
worthy of your focus. Happy woman enjoying the sea from ferry boat crossing Bosphorus in Istanbul

Is it Really Worthy of Your Focus?

SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman asks, "Have you ever noticed how something that seemed so important suddenly loses its power when put in the proper perspective?" What's worthy of your focus? In these moments, she suggests that we allow the Light of faith to guide us from our darkness.

Dr. Sala Honored by the NRB for 50 Years of Service

Dr. Sala has shaped Christian radio for the last half-decade and authored 56 books! At the National Religious Broadcasters Leadership dinner, we had the privilege of sitting with the amazing Dr. Sala and his wife. Darlene Sala will soon be joining the SCH family of contributors!

Apostle Paul: A Polite Bribe – Official Trailer

30 years after Christ's death, the future of the Christian church teeters between two factions: the Apostle Paul's Gentile Churches & the Judean Church lead by Jesus' brother James. This movie reveals how one man's vision kept the early Christian movement from failing.