Growing Dahlias

Looking for the perfect Summer to Fall transitional flower? SCH Contributor Donna Jones shares how Dahlias are the perfect match and how they are such a diverse flower.

Where Joy is Found: Awana Making a Difference

SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer shares a personal tale of God's joy during her travels to the Kibera slums in Kenya, & shares important ideas how you can make a difference to those in need!

Vengeance Is Not Ours

One of the hardest areas in which to trust God is in the matter of justice. God takes the responsibility to see that justice is done. God loves people too much to allow sin to go unchecked. Blackaby Daily Devotional.

3 Parenting Tips for Busy Working Moms

Are you good at showing your kids how much they mean to you? SCH Contributor & Life Coach Carolyn Dunn teaches us three things we can do as moms to show unconditional love.