The film “Selma” makes visible the march that changed history and continues today, according to David James Randolph who marched in Selma on “Turnaround Tuesday.” Randolph met with John Lewis more recently to thank him for his leadership and renew their commitment to march on in the great parade for love and justice (See photo).
Lewis and Randolph are “two thumbs up” on the film. Both men independently praise its fidelity to the event and relevance to the present. Both affirm the quality of interaction between Dr. King and President Johnson as positive. Randolph returned to his teaching at Drew University where he led the faculty of the school of theology to send a delegation to Montgomery for the conclusion of the march that had far reaching effects on theological education at Drew and beyond.
Randolph details his experience in his book “The Great Parade: Life, Love, Work:”

David Randolph and John Lewis; Photo Courtesy of David Randolph.
“Lessons learned then (in Selma) have meaning now. In the face of overpowering odds the action of a committed minority can transform society. Religious leaders can provide the spiritual and moral foundations for action while religious and educational institutions can inform and mobilize people.
“Media can draw attention to injustice and bring pressure for change. The President of the United States can use his ‘bully pulpit’ as did Lyndon Johnson. Legislators can pass better laws, courts justly interpret them and police humanely enforce them. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things when called upon by true leaders.
“As we face new challenges it’s good to know that history is transformed not only in shining events when the victors enter the city but also in those shadowy moments when people commit themselves to the Cause whatever the outcome.”
“The Great Parade” and “World of Change” are published by New Way Media. More at
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