Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (NIV)
Recently, during an extended period of prayer and fasting…God asked me three specific questions:
Is anything too difficult for me?
Is anything impossible for me?
Is there anything I would withhold from those who love Me?
Each time I answered (very sincerely) “No, Lord.” “Nothing is too difficult. Nothing is impossible for you. And, according to Your Word, there is nothing that You would withhold from those who love You, who are called according to Your purposes.”
But, even as I responded to Him with a full conviction, convinced of His Power and His Goodness, God gently corrected me saying…
Julie, you live limited to your own thinking. You trust in your abilities, not my capabilities.
I was shocked!
How, Lord? How am I living limited to my own thinking? I’ve always followed You, Lord. I’ve stepped out boldly. I’ve followed where You’ve called. I’ve done whatever You’ve called me to do. How do I live life limited? (I still laugh at how I try to reason with God…)
And, only as a Father can…God lovingly embraced me, comforted me, yet instructed and corrected me by responding ask and believe Me for a home.
I instantly replied, “Lord, who would possibly give us a home.” But even as the words uttered forth from my lips…God reminded me of my response to His initial three questions and His correction.
I immediately understood how I lived limited to my own thinking. I tend to operate from what I can understand…what I can accomplish. I trust in my abilities rather than believing God for His capabilities.
Don’t misunderstand my motives. We never try to force the hand of God. Faith isn’t conjuring up some noble notion or impossibility and asking God to bless it…instead…it’s simply aligning our life to follow after WHAT GOD HAS SPOKEN. It’s allowing GOD to be GOD. It’s trusting Him. It isn’t contingent on the outcome of our circumstances…instead it resides in the unshakable confidence of WHO GOD IS and trusting in HIS GOOD INTENT toward us. It’s believing in Him…regardless of what conventional wisdom might say. It’s standing firm…regardless of the scoffers. It’s NOT a formula where we try to force the hand of GOD…instead it’s listening for HIS VOICE, PROMISE, INSTRUCTION…and believing Him to do the impossible.
Noah believed God and built an ark. Moses trusted and lifted his staff and God parted the Red Sea while Israel stepped across on dry land. The widow served the prophet and her flour and oil didn’t run dry. Joshua blew trumpets and the impenetrable walls of Jericho tumbled down. David slew Goliath.
Friend…is anything too difficult for God? Is anything impossible? Is there anything that He would withhold from those who love Him? … I encourage you to ask God if you are living limited in your thinking? Do you live limited by your abilities instead of trusting in God’s capabilities?
Today, I’m asking God to remove ALL of my doubt, fear, and to show me how to live unlimited. May He fill each one of us with HIS expectation and a greater measure of faith.
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