Time to Go Deeper

Amy Layne Litzelman invites us to soak in God's presence with both mind and soul. "Let’s drink from the bottom of the ocean instead of sipping from the surface."

Get Established

SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman encourages us to delight in the extravagance of God through our weaknesses so that our roots will grow deeper into his peace, his joy, and his compassion.
far greater purpose. beautiful little church in woods

A Far Greater Purpose

Sometimes the negativity in the world can be overwhelming, but SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us of our far greater purpose and encourages us to "To release hope. To speak truth. To love beyond ourselves."
twist on pruning. White-tailed deer fawn in meadow

A New Twist On Pruning

Here's a twist on pruning: when our Father God prunes us back - by His Word, by His Spirit, by the circumstances and people He puts in our lives - it not only causes growth and fruit in us, but greatly affects the growth in those around us.
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Beyond What We Now See

"May we not grow weary, but continue to look for His Kingdom rising up in the midst of our world as we believe and obey." SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman revels in the thought of Spring; a place where faith is bursting with hope in the unseen.