The Difference Makers

We have been given exactly what we need to live and do our life well, for our good and God’s glory. We do not need to despair about the little we offer to this world. Take it one good deed at a time.

Wisdom and Folly

God will guide you. You just have to pay attention to His signs.

Freedom From Negative Thoughts

Do you sometimes feel bound by chains from ongoing negative thoughts or feelings? SCH Contributor Debbie Williamson shares godly wisdom on how to set yourself free.

There is Abundance in God

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and drained, like you have nothing left? SCH Contributor Debbie Williamson shares insight and inspiration on why our God is called a God of abundance and how you can let that inspire you.

Worshipping God With All Your Heart

Do you ever feel like it is hard to praise God when going through a low season? SCH Contributor Debbie Williamson encourages you to worship the One who calls you out of darkness and into light because He is faithful.