Advice To My Younger Self

SCH Contributor Diane Paddison has learned valuable lessons on her journey as both a Fortune 500 CEO and a Christian woman in the workplace. Be blessed by the wise advice that Diane would tell her younger self.
asking for help at work

Asking for Help at Work

Is asking for help at work a challenge for you? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison breaks down some great steps toward achieving your goals.

The Truth About Ambition

Ambition can be selfish but Diane Paddison highlights the promise that God has a purpose for all of us. If He is prompting you toward success, don’t be afraid to follow the path He has drawn for you.
leaning in, together

Leaning In, Together

In order to overcome unfair circumstances, Diane Paddison instructs women to "break the net of discrimination", leaning in, together with other women to make change.

Support for Working Women Starts With You

If we want to see women grow professionally, SCH Contributor, Diane Paddison urges us to use the wonderful gifts that God has given us to help and support other women.

You Are Perfectly Made

Take a minute today with Diane Paddison to meditate on the biblical truths of being perfectly made. None of us are perfect but we are to embrace the truth that we are made in God's image.