Your Careers Are Married Too

How do you and your spouse balance careers and marriage? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison shares valuable insights on how couples can fortify their marriage against the stress.

Prayer and Healing

Are you or a loved one hurting? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison reminds us of the healing properties of prayer.

Housework in the Workplace

Do you do a lot of the "housework"- those essential but underappreciated tasks- around your office? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison shares how women can get credit for the work they do that goes unnoticed.

Navigating the Winding Path of Your Career

Is your career going like you thought it would? If not, SCH Contributor Diane Paddison shares advice on how to meet the demands of work and home while making the right choices for yourself.

Extending Grace in the Workplace

Do your coworkers ever bother you? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison shares how you can learn to let go of workplace frustrations and decide what's worth confronting people about.

Asking For Flexibility At Work

Are you going through a difficult season in your life? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison walks you through how to ask your boss for leniency or time off.