black horse white horse, broken male culture

Broken Male Culture: A Call to Arms

SCH contributor, Pastor Kenny Luck's series “Uprising” takes us on a journey into the broken male culture, where Christian men need God to reveal and help them live in the masculinity God has designed for them.

Nike Re-Signs Tiger – Betting Men Have Forgiven, Forgotten

When the sports industry signs a pro athlete to promote their brand, they endorse that athlete as a role model for our children. One can only wonder if Nike doesn’t care too much about Tiger's cold-hearted character as much as they care about making cold-hearted cash.

‘Red Solo Cup’ – The Church Picnic Parody

Christian actor/comedian Torry Martin brings you "White Dixie Plate," a funny parody of the well-known country song "Red Solo Cup." His version tells the comical story of a church potluck gone wonky, complete with work by Kenny Jackson!