focus on what matters most. wagon in summer, looking through vintage cameras

5 Ways To Focus On What Matters Most

Our world has fallen in love with an idealized version of love portrayed through media. SCH Contributor Kenny Luck encourages us to focus on what matters most & use our hearts for their true purpose: to love Christ.

A Man’s Recipe for Family Leadership

How can a man help his family thrive as God would have it? SCH Contributor and Pastor Kenny Luck shares a wonderful guide for every husband with a recipe for family leadership.

The Number One Threat to Marriage

Is there a way to safeguard your relationship? SCH Contributor and Pastor Kenny Luck explains the number one threat to marriage and six steps to make your marriage strong.
new years clock golden abstract sparkle bouquet SCH

4 New Year’s Resolutions for Christians

What goals are you setting for 2015? SCH Contributor & Pastor Kenny Luck challenges conventional resolutions with 4 fantastic New Year's Resolutions every Christian should take to heart.