Quality Time or Quantity Time?

Ask God to give you His wisdom to help you to develop a close relationship with your children from an early age. SCH Contributor Rhonda Stoppe reminds us of the importance of being intentional with the time you spend with your kids.

How to Raise a Likable Kid

How to you work on your child's social skills? SCH Contributor Rhonda Stoppe offers great advice on how moms can teach their sons social graces.

Purposeful Parenting

Are you sharing God with your children in the time you have with them? SCH Contributor Rhonda Stoppe reminds moms that they’re not just parenting- they are representing Christ to their kids!

‘Because I Said So’ is NOT an Answer

Have you ever used the infamous that line when faced with a question from your child? SCH Contributor Rhonda Stoppe shares key insights to help your children understand why they should obey authority.