Hand Your Son His Manhood

Do you feel there is constantly friction between you and your son? SCH Contributor Rhonda Stoppe shares how mothers can let go and help their sons become men.

Why Do You Want Your Kids to Be Good?

What's your motivation when you reprimand your kids? SCH Contributor Rhonda Stoppe reminds us we need to hold our children to the principles of the Lord, not the standard of people.
mom smiling while kids kiss her cheeks

Single Moms Take Heart

Single moms, do you ever feel alone? SCH contributor Rhonda Stoppe says single moms take heart, you are not alone because God promises to be a Father to the fatherless.

Raising the Father of Your Grandchildren

You have the unique privilege of training your son how to react when he finds himself in a conflict. SCH Contributor Rhonda Stoppe shares encouraging steps for raising forgiving children.