Why Math?

We send our kids to school to learn facts, right? I mean, I can teach my child that two plus two equals four, and a public school teacher can teach my child that two plus two equals four. Whether it comes fro...

Proposed Amendment

The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children is a fundamental right.

Delightful Devotions

A recently found and completely delightful devotion for young children is "My Big Book of 5 Minute Devotions, Celebrating Gods World" by Pamela Kennedy. With animals as the center, colorful illustrations, B...

It’s The Mother’s Fault

But let’s talk about The Big Guilt—those comments that are intended to suggest that our child is the way he or she is because of something we’ve done.

Wholehearted Child

One of my all time favorite homeschooling books," Educating the Wholehearted Child,"  by Sally Clarkson, has recently been revised.  Originally published in 1994, this third edition has also been expanded, a...