The Blame Game of Alcoholism

Why do alcoholism and blaming others for the pain go hand in hand? SCH Contributor Jack Watts explains the pattern of the blame game and how to rid yourself of self-deception.

Why Resentment Doesn’t Work

Is the pain of the past so devastating that you feel alcohol is your only respite? Jack Watts explains why resentment doesn't work, why it fuels alcoholism, and how to make the shift out of the shadows.

Denial Doesn’t Work

Do you have a problem with alcohol? Have you admitted it? SCH Contributor Jack Watts teaches why denial doesn't work and the necessary steps to defeat addiction.

How to Pray in Times of Trouble

Do you know how to pray when things go wrong? SCH Contributor Marion Pyle shares 6 strategies she and her husband used as Christians to fight and triumph over his cancer.

God’s Answer to Fear and Discouragement

Are you ever afraid to start a project for fear of failing? SCH Contributor Darlene Sala shares God's answer to fear and discouragement that will help you face even the most daunting challenges.

God Listens

Do you feel alone when dealing with a problem? SCH Contributor Darlene Sala reminds us when people are too busy to notice, God listens with an all-consuming love.