What God Really Wants

Do your prayers reflect a healthy relationship with God? SCH Contributor Jack Watts shares words of wisdom on how to close the gap between what you want and what God really wants for you.

Keeping the Right Perspective When Facing Cancer

Do you ever feel tempted to blame God for giving you cancer? SCH Contributor Marion Pyle shares six ways to keep the right perspective and fight the temptation to turn from God when facing cancer.

If You’re Feeling Lonely

Are you struggling with loneliness? SCH Contributor Jennifer Dukes Lee shares personal stories and insights as to how and why we can feel lonely - even when we're surrounded by people!

God Loves You as You Are

Are you struggling to regain a joyful heart after suffering spiritual abuse? SCH Contributor Jack Watts teaches how restoration through His healing touch is possible because God loves you.

Controlling the Outcome

Do you try to control your own destiny? SCH Contributor Jack Watts provides words of wisdom on what makes us believe we are capable of controlling the outcome and how to shift our way of thinking.

The Promise of Breakthrough

Are you fighting to keep a vision alive? SCH Contributor Marion Pyle shares encouragement and Scripture verses on the promise of breakthrough from the Lord.