A Lifetime of Impact – Greg Laurie Interviews Chuck Smith

After serving Jesus faithfully, Pastor Chuck is now in the Lord's presence. Pastor Bob Coy writes "No single word could ever capture who Pastor Chuck was but if there’s one word that best captures his heart - it would be “servant.”
A group prayer with linked hands over bibles - the power of God through prayer

God Overcomes Campus Challenge

What happens when Sonoma State University derecognizes the Christian clubs? Jenny Klouse, SCH Contributor, experiences how challenges lead to stronger faith.

for King and Country – Hope is What We Crave

Brothers Joel and Luke have forged a distinctive sound that has earned them an enthusiastic fan base as well as the respect of industry professionals who keep tapping their music for use in high profile TV shows. "I need a drop of grace to carry me today..."

That’s Real Love

The incredible love of Jesus comes in many different forms, in many different ways. Based on 1 John 4:10, That's Real Love conveys that we are loved no matter what sins we commit.