family movies to celebrate back to school. smiling kids heading back to school

5 Family Movies to Celebrate Back to School

As we head back to school, find time for family this holiday weekend. SCH has compiled a list of family movies to celebrate back to school and have a last hurrah of summer.
compassion unites in life and movies. John Corbett in 'All Saints' film

‘All Saints’ Movie Top Family Pick

The new 'All Saints' movie top family pick for this week. Starring John Corbett and Christian comedienne Chonda Pierce, it's a family-friendly selection. SCH Editor At Large Dr. Diane Howard shares more.
David A.R. White in new sit-com on PureFlix. Debuts First Christian Soap Opera debuts first Christian soap opera to add to its growing list of family-friendly sit-coms and wholesome shows. The dilemma of what to watch with your kids has become easier to resolve.