Underneath You

Are you reluctant to ask for help? Pastor Jesse Bradley encourages us to accept the help of others. Just as Paul needed support from other believers as he traveled, so do we as we travel through life.

Where Your Treasure Is- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

If you are unsure of what your treasure is, examine where you spend your available time and money. Reflect on what it is you most enjoy thinking about and discussing. Most Christians are quick to claim that God is their first priority, yet often their actions reveal that their treasure is not God but things of this world.

Pride Brings You Down- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Pride is the great enemy of the Christian. Humility, on the other hand, is pleasing to God and places your life in a position where God will honor you. If pride has crept into some areas of your life, ask God to give you victory over it before it robs you of God’s will for you.