Special Moments

When was the last time you stopped to reflect on how blessed you are? SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley encourages us to slow down and remember the wonderful things God has provided for us.

Identifying the Ideal

How is God stirring your heart? How are you using the gifts he has given you? SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley pushes us to reach for what God has planned for us, and reminds us not to settle for less than what God wants to give us.

The Courage Factor

Are you letting your fears stop you from doing things you love? SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley reminds us that there is a God bigger than our fears, and we must have faith in Him.

Surviving the Dry Seasons

Are you experiencing a spiritual drought? SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley reflects that during the dry times that we can learn to trust God and not to let temptations run our lives.