Blind Spots – Time in the Psalms

Do you love and respect God with all your heart, mind and soul or does pride sometimes cause blind spots? SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley uses Psalm 36 to teach us how to remain faithful to Christ.

Steps to a Stronger Faith

As we dive into 2015, have you established goals in the area your faith? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison offers simple steps to build a stronger faith.

New Year – New Blessings

How do you approach your New Year's resolutions? Michael K Reynolds proposes 3 radical new suggestions for inspiring growth and showers of blessings.
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Because He Lives

When you consider what Christ has done for us, His grace is overwhelming both on the cross and in His victory over death. SCH Contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley shares encouraging advice to help you stay faithful during trials.

Because Jesus Lives

Losing a family member can be one of the most difficult situations in life. SCH contributor Pastor Jesse Bradley illuminates the beauty of our promised life with God in Heaven.
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Fighting for Entitlement

"Will you continue to serve when you are treated like a servant?" Pastor Jesse Bradley encourages us to value and love others just as Christ does with us, even if it involves sacrifice.