The Perfect Gift Isn’t Under the Tree

"The most amazing gifts cannot be wrapped up in a bow! "SCH Contributor, Heather Riggleman takes a moment to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and spending precious time with the ones that hold your heart in their hands.
beautiful wooden bridge over water in sunlight

Contentment is a Choice

"What if I could taste today and not worry about the obligations of tomorrow?" SCH Contributor, Heather Riggleman urges us to truly consider what we have in the here and now, to drink in all that today has to offer and to hold steady in the moment while the time is still ours to cherish.

Worship: The Holy Exchange

SCH Contributor, Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us that the true worship transcends beyond circumstance and transforms us into a vessel worthy of a King and overflowing with love, wisdom and power.
Hummingbird-Red-Flowers habitat for the holy spirit

Following Jesus Today

Following Jesus is more than just a noble concept, it includes real choices inour everyday lives. When you let God’s grace fill your heart, you are capable of the most God-glorifying actions.

Love Him, Love Them Not

SCH's newest Contributor Kathy Howard, unravels the complexities of "agape" love and reveals the true meaning of "love thy neighbor" as God intended it to be.
Fall Leaves LOVE - love from a higher perspective

Love From a Higher Perspective

How do you define love? SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman shares her revelation on love from a higher perspective and what love meant to our beloved Jesus.