Young wedding couple enjoying romantic moments outside on a summer meadow - finding a godly husband

3 Rules For Finding A Godly Husband

Finding a godly husband can seem impossible, but not if you have the right rules in place. SCH Contributor and 4word Founder, Dianne Paddison has 3 rules every single girl needs.
mom and daughter laughing in garden with flowers - learn to say "no"

Why You Need To Learn To Say “No”

Why is it so hard to learn to say "no"? SCH contributor and writer, Diane Paddison explores why we need to say "no" more often in our lives and why.
alt="San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts favorite quotes by Madeline L'Engle"

Favorite Quotes by Madeline L’Engle

Here's encouragement for your soul, faith and daily life from literary great Madeline L'Engle. SCH contributor, Jenny Klouse, shares her favorite quotes by Madeline L'Engle.
russian river raspberries in a jar, humility

The True Nature of Humility

Only in humility will we see through the eyes of our Father and recognize His working in and through those around us. SCH contributor Amy Layne Litzelman, explores the profound impact of being humble.