A Quiet Place for Reflection

If you need to work through a problem or just get away to do some serious thinking, this is the best place in the world to reflect. Throughout history writers have often been inspired by such a place as this.

Worshipping God With All Your Heart

Do you ever feel like it is hard to praise God when going through a low season? SCH Contributor Debbie Williamson encourages you to worship the One who calls you out of darkness and into light because He is faithful.

5 Ways to Help a Teen Mom

Can you make a positive impact on a teen mom? Having gone through this herself, SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer shares 5 ways to help a teen mom from becoming a statistic.

Living and Loving in the Midst of Grief

Are you going through a season of sorrow? Diane Paddison shares powerful verses to reflect on in times of grief and shows that how we deal with grief has to do with how we understand God.

Listening For Real

When you speak with God, are you talking or listening? SCH Contributor Diane Paddison points out the value of being a good listener in conversations with God, your friends, and your family.

A Time To Be Silent

Do you ever find time to be silent? SCH Contributor Debbie Williamson shares insight on pausing from the busyness of life to find silence in our lives to seek wisdom and words from God.