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The Treasure Within

From childhood all the way through our adult lives, we think those things that are just out of reach are going to really satisfy, SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman points out that we often lose sight of the fact that we carry within us a Treasure greater than all the "earth contains."

Marketplace Christians

God began to plant and nurture desires in our hearts even as children. SCH Contributor Amy Layne Litzelman reminds us that it's time to gather in what God has caused to grow.
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Finding Hope on the Battlefield

"Those who trust and follow Jesus aren’t lead to a playground, but placed on the battlefield". SCH Contributor, Pastor Michael Hayward conveys a stark reminder that in following Jesus there is sacrifice, there is toil, there is suffering; there is also glory to be witnessed and celebrated.
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Been Unemployed A Long Time? You Can Turn It Around

In today’s cluttered and distracted culture, special interest groups, demographic targeting, and digital technology have created a world where the niche rules. Phil Cooke shares important tips on how to get your career back on track.