Sibling Rivalry

We as parents often mimic the same relationship patterns we experienced during our childhood. SCH Contributor Dr. Tracey Mitchell proclaims freedom from this destructive behavior she calls the "parent trap."
A Teenage Girl Doing her Homework - coach your kids through homeschool

Why Your Older Kids Fight Your Teaching

Children are individuals. Rarely does one method of instruction work on every single child in a family. In her book How To Lead Like Jesus, SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer teaches parents how to see children's unique individuality, specifically their hearts.

The Royal Compass: Part I

SCH Contributor Samantha DeJaynes writes a stunning series on raising godly daughters. "From their beautiful dresses and jewels to the elegance and grace of their tea parties, the daughter’s desire is clear. She innately longs to be valued and cherished, set aside as special, and one of a kind."