Spiritual Priorities

Is "more" always better? SCH Contributor Darlene Sala reveals how what God wants for us and what we want are two different things.

Following God – Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Following Jesus requires absolute obedience, but it will lead you into experiences you never dreamed of. You will see lives that were broken made whole. You will see those in bondage released; and those who mourn comforted.

Faith in the Invisible

Are you facing a problem and searching for a tangible solution? SCH Contributor Darlene Sala shares words of wisdom on the powerful force that is faith in the almighty invisible God.

Deny Yourself – Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Sin causes us to be self-centered, shifting our hearts from God to self. But the essence of salvation is a turn God-centeredness. Resist the temptation to pursue your own goals, asking God to bless them. Rather, deny yourself and join the activity of God as He reveals it to you.

How to Lose Your Soul – Part I

Your Soul is not your Heart. How can you tell the two apart? Find out about the Inner World and how to care for it in Robin Wren's thought provoking series, "How to Lose Your Soul."