Through The Lens Of Forgiveness

In an excerpt from her new book, "If You Could See As Jesus Sees", author Elizabeth Oates highlights our need to pull ourselves out of condemnation and fall into forgiveness.

Sin is Lawlessness – Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Spiritual laws, like physical laws, are meant to protect you, not restrict you. How important the laws of God are for your life! Without them, you would be robbed of the delights God has in store for you. Sin is lawlessness- choosing a standard other than God’s law.

The Royal Compass Part VI: Victory of Unbroken Ranks

"A princess has not been given a crown to merely hide away in a castle; she has been given a crown for a life of bold service. What an unfathomable privilege to be given." SCH contributor Samantha DeJaynes continues her stunning series.

Love Brings Obedience- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Genuine love brings obedience to God. God looks beyond your godly habits, beyond your moral lifestyle, and beyond your church involvement and focuses His penetrating gaze upon your heart. Love is the greatest motivation for a relationship with God and for serving Him.

God’s Promises- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

God keeps every promise He makes. When we walk in intimate fellowship with Christ, we have the assurance that all of God's promises in Scripture are available to us. If you ask God if this promise applies to your life, His answer is yes.

How to Lose Your Soul – Part X

Emptiness. It is the plague of our age. It is Soul-sickness. And it can drive us to desperation: to fill our hungers with anything to stop the pain. SCH contributor Robin Wren encourages us that in actuality: hunger is holy.