Are You Paying Attention to God?

When it’s quiet and dark, your hands are still and your eyes are closed – can you hear God whisper to you in the darkness? Or is your mind on the day ahead? SCH Contributor Debbie Williamson discusses how to be a better listener to God.
fasting and intercession

Fasting and Intercession

Fast and pray and have faith that He is a deliverer! SCH Contributor Suzanne Niles shares about the way fasting and intercession can impact your life.

Without Faith- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. When we have faith, we trust Him implicitly. God said He would never leave us or forsake us. No matter what happens in our lives, we will never doubt God’s love because He has told us that His love for us is everlasting.

3 Steps To Overcoming Shame

Are you willing to stop seeing yourself through your lens of shame? SCH Contributor Elizabeth Oates encourages readers with 3 strategies in overcoming shame