God Draws You In- Experiencing God Daily Devotion

The fact that God has brought you to a place of fellowship with Him is evidence that you are already sensing His activity. As you read the Scriptures and pray, trust that God will honor your response to His leading by teaching you more.
Four-Horses-Open-Field running wild SCH

Come and See- Experiencing God Daily Devotional

Christianity is not a set of teachings to understand. It is a Person to follow. As you walk daily with Him, Jesus will answer your questions, and you will discover far more than you even knew to ask.

How Do You Measure Success?

What if Jesus asked you this one question - How do you measure success in life? SCH Contributor Phil Cooke encourages us to measure our success in the Lord instead of worldly triumphs.

How to Talk to God

Do you ever feel like God isn't hearing you? SCH Contributor Tricia Goyer shares advice on how to open your heart to God and connect with Him in prayer.

Overcome Insecurity and Embrace Your Talent

SCH Contributor Elizabeth Oates suggest that if we could stop seeing ourselves as less than who we really are, then we would start seeing ourselves through Jesus’ lens and find the ability to overcome our insecurities and embrace our talents.